Pardot Email - Autoresponders

This is an important step when preparing an event as people will be able to receive a confirmation email with an Add-to-Calendar link once they complete a form.

To make an auto-responder email, click on the "Account Engagement Email" tab and then select "Templates" on the navigation bar to the left.

Search "auto" in the filter to get a list of auto-responder emails that have been sent out previously. Then click the gear icon to copy a relevant one, similar to how we copied relevant forms and landing pages previously. This will make the process easier as there won't be as many edits we need to make. 

Click "Copy" and update the name with the new date/info. Also, update the Campaign to the relevant one you created earlier.

Update the subject line, the date/time in the copy, the header image (by clicking on it and then selecting the picture icon to swap it out), and the Add-to-Calendar link as needed.

To create the Add-to-Calendar Link: Go to (login: [email protected]; Password: Aspen2023!). Copy a prior event by clicking on it in the Calendar, clicking on the 3 vertical dots, and selecting "Duplicate".

After duplicating the event, you'll see it come up in the Calendar right underneath the one you duplicated. Click on that new copied event and with the same 3 vertical dots, select "Edit".

Make sure to update the title at the top, the date (and time if needed), and paste in the correct Zoom info in the space below. Also make sure to update the Zoom link next to the pin icon and the name below that. Then click "Save".

Once Saved, scroll down under the header "Event landing page" and copy the Event Page URL. That is what you'll use for any Add-to-Calendar links (in the auto-responder, thank you language on the form, in email reminders, etc.). 

Now that you have the event landing page URL, hover over the Add-to-Calendar CTA in the Auto-Responder email and update the link.

To close the loop on everything needed to start promoting an event and generating registrations, click Save Draft and then Publish to Template at the bottom right (only after you've gone to the Text tab in the email and make sure to "Sync from HTML").

Now that the Auto-Responder is ready and saved/published, go back to the relevant form (Content Tab > Forms > the form you created), then click to Edit the Form.

In the list of 5 steps, click "Completion Actions". Then scroll down under "Completion Actions" and replace the prior Auto-Responder with the correct one that you just created. Then click the "Confirm & Save" CTA at the bottom.

Congrats! You've done everything needed to set the event up to be promoted and drive registrants (form, landing page, Zoom link, Add-to-Calendar, Auto-Responder).


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