Creating a Pardot Campaign

Whenever you're creating a new event, you'll want to create a Pardot Campaign that allows new registrants to be attributed to having come from a specific campaign. This will be especially helpful for registrants who are later converted into Salesforce contacts, as those working to drive a sale will be able to see how this person came into the system and their connection to Aspen. 

To create a campaign, select the "Campaigns" tab at the top of Pardot. If it's not showing up here, check under the "More" dropdown.

Once you click "Campaigns", click "New" in the top right corner and select "Pardot" for the Record Type.

Click "Next". Then name the Campaign (ex: "August 2023 Flash Seminar" for those who will come into Pardot for that). Then put in the relevant program. In that case, for instance, it would be "Executive Leadership Seminars". If you'd like, you can add a Campaign Description if it's not easily apparent. 

Click "Save" and you have a campaign to tie your forms and landing pages to!


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