Create a Pardot Landing Page

Once you've created your Pardot form for an event or offering, you should create a landing page with more context/copy and embed the form within.

In the "Content" tab (same tab as where you created a form), select "Landing Pages" from the left-hand side bar (4th option from the top). 

Similar to with forms, find a relevant prior landing page that will be easier to copy and edit. For instance, search "flash sem" in the filter space to find past landing pages for flash seminars. Again, like with forms, click on the gear icon to the right of the landing page you'd like to copy.

Once you click "Copy", you'll update the name and campaign just as you did for forms. Then click "Copy Landing Page".

Click "Edit Landing Page" in the top right. Here you can update the title, the description (this should be shortened copy than what will be on the page for SEO purposes as there's a character limit), and the campaign. If you'd like the URL to be easier to read, you can also create a vanity URL such as "August2023FlashSem". If you don't do this, a URL will be auto-generated for you. 

Click "Next". Once you're at the next screen ("Select Form"), select "Use Existing Form" and select the form you created earlier. This will allow the form to be embedded on the landing page that you'll be sending people to register.

Once you click "Next", the Content Layout should remain as is. You can just click "Next" again. When you click right on the content area, a pop-up will come up that allows you to make edits. Here you can update the title/header on the landing page and the copy within. You can use the Link icon to hyperlink to other pages (ex: EXL website) or to speaker bios (ex: AGLN Fellow/Adolescent Mental Health panelist).

Once you "Save", you'll also see the form you embedded on the right side of the landing page. 

After making the necessary changes, click "Next" at the bottom and then the "Confirm & Save" CTA. Similar to with forms, you can click "View Online" in the upper right to preview the page and see if any adjustments need to be made.


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