Salesforce for Leadership ProgramsDave's Transition MaterialsPardotPardotPardot Email - Promos, Reminders, and Event Follow-Ups

Pardot Email - Promos, Reminders, and Event Follow-Ups

Timelines for Sending Emails

Promotional Emails (1-3 sends per event):

  • When promoting a participatory event to the Pardot list where this audience will likely make up the vast majority of registrants (ex: flash seminars, info sessions, HIF webinar series, etc.), the first promotion should be sent 3-4 weeks prior to the event date.
  • If the target number of registrants hasn't been hit after one promotion or there's opportunity to drive more, a second promotion should be sent around 2 weeks prior to the event date. This email should suppress those already registered.
  • If there needs to be a final push, aim for a third promotion to go out a week prior to the event date, likely just before the first reminder email to registrants goes out to ensure that new registrants can receive that email. This can be a more targeted send to a smaller segment than the Full List. 
  • Due to attrition rates, aim to hit at least 100 registrants for flash seminars.

Reminder Emails (3-4 sends per event):

  • First reminder email should be sent a week before the event (ex: Wednesday reminder email for a flash seminar the following Wednesday). 
  • Second reminder email should be sent two days before the event (ex: Monday morning for a Wednesday afternoon event).
  • Third and/or fourth reminders should be sent the day of the event. For an afternoon event, send the first reminder in the morning at 8-8:30am ET and the final reminder ("Starting Now") 20 minutes before the event because Pardot sometimes takes some time for the email to actually send out past its scheduled time.
  • Most reminders should be sent in the early morning. However, if there's a final push promotional email being sent a week before the event, that promo email should go out in the morning around 8:30am ET and the first reminder email should go out in the afternoon at around 1pm ET to give some time for late registrants to sign up and receive their first reminder later that day.

Event Follow-Ups (1-2 sends per event):

  • Often, we'll want to get a follow-up email after an event, especially a participatory one, out very shortly following the event with a thank you (or "sorry we missed you" to No Shows), additional opportunities to engage, a survey, and/or resources. This should be sent ideally within an hour following the end of the event. The email can be created beforehand, while the segmentation of attendees and no shows can be completed during the event to create the recipient list for the emails. 
  • Because it can take some time to get the recording, we'll often mention that this will be sent in the coming days. Try to send the recording within 2 business days following the event. So if the event happens and the initial follow-up email is sent on Wednesday, aim to send the recording by Friday. If the event is on Thursday, aim to send by EOD Monday. 

Email Building

To build an email (promo, reminder, or follow-up), click on the "Account Engagement Email" tab and then select "Sent" on the navigation bar to the left. 

Find a similar email that's been sent previously and click on the gear icon to the right under "Actions" and choose "Copy". For a flash seminar promo, for instance, you can copy the email "May Flash Seminar 5.31 - First Promo". For a reminder email, you can copy "Flash Seminar - First Reminder 5.31 - Registrants". For a follow-up, you can copy "Flash Seminar - Thank You For Attending 6.21". 

When you copy an email, make sure to update the name to be relevant to the event on the next screen and also update the campaign to a newly relevant one you've created. Then click "Save". Let's use a flash seminar promo email as an example.

If needed, update the subject line to the right and the preview text under "Editor". 

To make edits to the copy, click into where the copy is, which will pull up a screen to the right where you can make edits. 

You can click the down arrow on the right side to expand the toolbar and provide more options for editing, such as font size or adding bullet points. If you'd like to add space between bullet points, click into the icon with a piece of a paper and arrows going in opposite directions to get into the source code. Add "<br>" after each bullet point there to create a line break between them.

To add an image/graphic, click into the text area where you'd like to add one and click on the picture frame emoji with mountains and a sun to add the image. Remember that you'll need to add the image as a file in Pardot first, which is explained in the article on Images/Graphics, along with ideal image sizes. 

If you've created a Custom Redirect for a link, you can hover over text that you want to hyperlink, click the link icon, and select "Custom Redirect" under Link Type. Then select the name of the Custom Redirect you created in the dropdown below.

Once you've completed the copy and design of the email, click on "Text" in the nav bar to the right of "Preview" and click "Sync from HTML". This will ensure the Text version of the email is up to date. 

You can click on "Testing" in the Nav Bar above the prior one to send yourself a test by placing your email under "Individual Emails" and clicking "Send to Individual Emails".

Then, click on the "Sending" tab to schedule the email. For flash seminar emails, you'll want to ensure you suppress all attendees (not registrants) from past flash seminars as we aim to not have return attendees for these. You'll see the number of mailable prospects that leaves to the right.

As you scroll down, you can update the sender name and the reply-to email address.

You can click "Send Now" to send an email right then. To schedule one, click "Schedule" and choose the date and time. As mentioned earlier, it can sometimes take a bit of time for a Pardot email to actually send. If it's important an email gets to people by an exact time (particularly a "Starting Now" email that is the final reminder in the series), schedule this for 15-20 minutes before it's really needed to go out (ex: 4:10pm for a 4:30pm flash seminar).


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